Brief Network Outage

  • Friday, 25th May, 2018
  • 21:40pm
****** NOTE:  This was completed successfully. Network downtime impact was 5 minutes.  ******

There will be a short unanticipated outage tomorrow, (Saturday, May 26th), between 2pm and 3pm EST for approximately 20 to 30 minutes while our technicians replace two core switches at our London Ontario datacenter.  This hardware was scheduled to be replaced in the coming weeks, but some technical issues have pushed our timeline ahead, which is why there is short noticed for this upgrade.

What you can expect:

  • Connectivity to services such as the Cloud Services portal, control panels, websites, email and webmail will be unavailable for the duration of the outage.
  • Inbound emails will be delayed for at least the duration of the outage, but should be delivered shortly after service resumes.
  • If you are a Compusync Backup customer, your ability to backup or access your data will NOT be impacted.
  • Some Compusigns customers may be unable to access their CMS during this upgrade, but Compusigns Media Players will continue to play scheduled content during the outage.

We apologize for any inconvenience this presents.

Thanks for your understanding,

The Compudata Cloud Services Team
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